Gaming Laws
The conduct of gaming in California is authorized and regulated by both state and federal law. In addition, Tribal gaming requires each Tribe to negotiate a tribal state “compact” or an intergovernmental agreement that permits and regulates class III gaming on Indian lands. This section provides a reference to ‘major laws’ which regulate the industry of gaming in California. (See also- ‘Compacts’ under Tribal Gaming Tab)
Although on its face limited to gaming, IGRA has affected tribal acknowledgment, tribal restorations, reaffirmations and gaming-related land acquisitions. California is dynamically affected by the acquisition of after-acquired lands for gaming purposes. To assists those involved in tribal gaming issues, this section includes unique federal laws specific to California related to the development of Indian Tribes and a variety of Indian lands. The most commonly used Codes of Federal Regulations for the acquisition process of transferring fee lands to trust lands are listed. Additional laws may apply. Check for updates of these laws.
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