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Local Government Policy Actions

March 2009-

 CSAC is the single, unified voice speaking on behalf of all 58 California counties. CSAC requests mitigation agreements when new land is transferred into trust for gaming. A suspension of all fee to trust applications until the impacts of the Carcieri decision are fully realized and greater inclusion in the consultation process.

May 2006-
Attorney General Lockyer requested a report from the California State Library – Gambling in the Golden State 1998 Forward. The report identified additional impacts and costs.

• There are nearly 1.5 million problem and compulsive gamblers in the State today.

• Using data from every U.S. county between 1977 and 1996, found that casinos including Indian casinos and riverboat casinos are associated with increased crime which includes: aggravated assault, rape, murder, robbery, larceny, burglary, and auto theft after a lag of three or four years.

• Prior to the opening of a casino, casino and non-casino counties had similar crime rates, but six years after casino openings property crimes were eight percent higher and violent crimes were ten percent higher in casino counties.


Feb. 2006 -

CSAC through its Indian Gaming Working Group establishes a policy of principles: to apply to proposed state and federal legislation, when interacting with tribal governments proposing casino developments and on all new fee to trust land applications.


2004 -

Governor Schwarzenegger responds to the legitimate request of affected local governments and includes in all new and renegotiated tribal state compacts a component requiring judicially enforceable agreements.


July 2002-

the California State Association of Counties in conjunction with the California State Sheriffs Association and the California League of Cities released their Survey of Tribal Gaming Impacts on County Governments. The survey discovered:

• Statewide Indian Casinos cost the counties more than $200 million in non reimbursed road, water, sewage, and fire and law enforcement costs. The Special Distribution Fund has only provided 21.9 million in total to off set the costs.

• In just 8 counties with tribal casinos, the burden of costs continues to mount exceeding $20 million annually.

• 35 of the 58 counties are affected by tribal gaming. Only 20 mitigation agreements exist between Counties and Tribes and only a handful are comprehensive and address local concerns and costs.