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California Attorney General Xavier Becerra Took Nearly $300,000 From Tribal Casinos, Now His Agency is Paying Them Back

Brian Hews June 11, 2019

The Native American casinos have alleged corruption in California cardrooms and the casino-style games they offer for decades, but authorities have never filed a single lawsuit based on their complaints.

Since 2000, when California voters passed Proposition 1A allowing Native Americans to operate gambling casinos on their reservations, no Attorneys’ General has brought action against the card rooms based on their allegations.

Bill Lockyer (1999-2007) refused, Jerry Brown (2007-2011) refused, and even Kamela Harris (2011-2017) refused.

Complete article: California Attorney General Xavier Becerra Took Nearly $300,000 From Tribal Casinos, Now His Agency is Paying Them Back

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