You are here: Home / News / California Gaming Association Statement in Response to the United States District Court's Order to Dismiss California Tribes' Lawsuit for Breach of the Tribal-State Compacts Against the State and Governor Newsom

California Gaming Association Statement in Response to the United States District Court's Order to Dismiss California Tribes' Lawsuit for Breach of the Tribal-State Compacts Against the State and Governor Newsom

Jun 19, 2019


Yesterday, the United States District Court dismissed a lawsuit filed by three California Tribes against the State of California and Governor Newsom. The suit sought to force the State to shut down lawful cardroom games like blackjack and baccarat claiming tribal exclusivity of them, but in its ruling, the Court ruled that the tribes' compacts did not give them the exclusive rights to these games in California.

Previously, four California Court of Appeal decisions have ruled that these cardrooms may operate non banked versions of these games, and for decades, cardrooms have offered these games with specific approval of the Attorney General without harm to or complaint by the public.

Complete article: California Gaming Association Statement in Response to the United States District Court's Order to Dismiss California Tribes' Lawsuit for Breach of the Tribal-State Compacts Against the State and Governor Newsom

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