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Casino Industry Calls Out Some States Over Compulsive Gambling Funds Use

by Brian PempusJanuary 10, 2020


The casino industry on Friday published research stating that many states might not be meeting their obligations for responsible and problem gambling.
Bill Miller, president and CEO of the American Gaming Association, said in a statement that it was “troubling to see that state responsible gaming funds are not always used for their intended purpose.”

The report, released by the AGA in Washington, D.C., provided a detailed look at how many states could be falling short on using all of their allocated gaming tax money on responsible gaming issues.

The following states were looked at in the study, which was based on a review of public records such as budget documents, legislation, media reports, government contracts, and industry and third-party studies:

Complete article: Casino Industry Calls Out Some States Over Compulsive Gambling Funds Use

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