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New Report Finds California Cardroom Industry Generates Over 32,000 Jobs and Nearly $5.6 Billion in Annual Impact on State's Economy

November 8, 2019 Cardroom industry supports $1.64 billion in total wages and $500 million in state and local taxes that play a vital role in underserved communities throughout California

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Nov. 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- A new economic impact analysis report released today found the total annual economic impact of California's cardroom industry to be $5.6 billion dollars, providing over 32,000 in total local jobs.

Commissioned by the California Gaming Association, John Dunham & Associates conducted an in-depth review of the direct, indirect and induced economic impact cardrooms have on California communities. The analysis reviewed jobs, wages, linked industries, state and local tax dollars, and total economic output.

Complete article: New Report Finds California Cardroom Industry Generates Over 32,000 Jobs and Nearly $5.6 Billion in Annual Impact on State's Economy

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