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North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California

September 1, 2021: Court Notice on Petition
July 14, 2021: Stand Up's Reply to State and North Fork Request for Review
June 22, 2021: State of California Petition for Review of 5th Cir Appellate Ruling
May 13, 2021: Stand Up For California v State of California - Opinion in 5th District Court of Appeal on Remand
The Appeals Court conclude the people of California retained the power to annul a concurrence by the Governor and the voters exercised this retained power at the 2014 election by impliedly revoking the concurrence for the Madera site. As a result, the concurrence is no longer valid and the demurrer should have been overruled.
October 15, 2020: Stand Up For California v. State of California - F069302 Madera County Super. Ct. No. MCV062850
The California Supreme Court has transferred the above case to the 5th Cir without an opinion but with instructions.
June 13, 2019: Reply Brief Stand Up v Secretarial Procedures
9th Cir
Jan. 23, 19: Stand Up for California v. Secretarial Procedures – Appeal to 9th Cir
Stand Up’s complaint challenges the secretarial procedures under the Johnson Act, the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Air Act and the Administrative Procedure Act.
June 14, 2019: Club One Reply Brief Secretarial Procedure Challenge
Challenge to Secretarial Procedures
Dec. 6, 2018: Club One v. Secretarial Procedures – Appeal to the 9th Cir.
July 9, 2018: Stand Up v US Dept. of Interior
Petition for Writ of Certioriari to the United States Supreme Court The Secretary of the Interior did not give proper consideration to the detrimental impacts of the casino on the surrounding community. 2. The Circuit Court misread the IRA thus expanding the pool of Tribes eligible for off-reservation gaming.
Dec. 21, 2016: Club One v. U.S. Dept. of Interior
Challenge to Secretarial Procedures issued to the North Fork Tribe
Dec. 12, 2016: Stand Up For California v. State of Califonria
The Governor of California lacks authority to grant concurrence for off reservation gaming.
Nov. 11, 2016: Stand Up For California v. Secretary of the Interior - Secretarial Procedures
Secretarial Procedures permits the Tribe to game. Does the Secretary have the authority to permit class III gaming?
Sept. 23, 2016: Consent of Governor to Administer Sec. Procedures
August 10, 2016: Order Declining Stay of Judgment
North Fork Mono Indians v. State of California The Judge declined the stay requested by the Chukchansi in its motion to intervene.
June 27, 2016: North Fork v. State of CA - Order denying Motion to Intervene.pdf
Court denies Motion b Motion to Intervene, but requires Briefing to determine if the action should be stayed.
July 1, 2015: Chukchansi v. DOI and Secretary Jewell
Complaint for Declaratory & Injunctive Relief.
April 2015: Mediator Selected Compact
March 21, 2016: Chukchansi v. State of California
Chukchansi is arguing the Governor’s concurrence power is ancillary and incidental to his authority to “negotiate and conclude compacts.” (Complaint, p. 6.) then they argue because the compact was not ratified, the concurrence is not valid.
March 16, 2016: Mooretown to SOI
Urging not to issue Secretarial Compact for the North Fork or Enterprise Tribes.
Dec. 14, 2015: Federal Register - North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California Liquor Control Statute
August 26. 2015: Order Denying Motion to Intervene
Yokut request to intervene in North Fork Bad Faith Challenge against Governor Brown
April 30, 2015: Madera Water District Amends MOU
Letter notifying of public hearing to vote on the amendment to the Water District MOU with the North Fork Tribe.
March 7, 2014: Cross Complaint on the Referendum
The new litigation challenges the referendum on two legal theories. First, theory alleges that the compact is final because federal law allows tribes to conduct casino gaming so long as the state does not prohibit this form of gaming. The second theory raises the issue of whether a compact is the subject of a referendum.
Feb. 25, 2014: Comments on Clean Air Act Conformity
The NEPA review and BIA comments fail to comply with the Clean Air Act and the U.S. EPA.
March 3, 2014: Ruling - Stand Up For California v Governor Edmond Brown
Plaintiffs have failed to state sufficient facts to support the arguments.
Nov. 20, 2014: Secretary Bowen to Paula Hart - Referendum Qualifies
Aug. 4, 2013 Sally Jewell Air Quality
The Federal Government admitted to the Court they had failed to comply with the Clean Air Act in the review of the North Fork Fee To Trust Transaction
Stand Up For California v. Governor Jerry Brown
Stand Up v. Brown filed the attached motion for leave to file their First Amended Complaint. The First Amended Complaint challenges the constitutionality of Assembly Bill 277 and the State’s compact with the North Fork tribe.
July 5, 2013: Request Secretary of State to Delay Certification of North Fork Ratificiation
April 30, 2013: CEQA Letter to Senator Wright
April 30, 2013: CEQA Letter to Assembly Member Perez
April 30, 2013: Honorable John Perez, Speaker of the House
Stand Up For California! writes: AB 277 is not ratification of a tribal state compact as usual but rather a unique issue of gambling expansion beyond that which the California electorate approved in Prop.1A.
March 27, 2013: Stand Up For California v. Governor Edmund G. Brown
The lawsuit seeks a judgment declaring the Governor’s concurrence void and an order to the Governor not to submit the compact to the Legislature for ratification.
Jan. 31, 2013: Senator Feinstein to Ken Salazar
Given the significant unanswered questions and the lack of consultation as recommended by Executive Order 13175 which calls for "meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in the development of Federal policies that have tribal implications," I urge you to open a formal rulemaking process to resolve these outstanding issues prior to implementing this new policy.
Dec. 31, 2013: Chukchansi of the Picayune v Salazar
Dec. 21, 2012: Stand Up For California v Salazar
Complaint and Motions
1932: The North Fork Mono
Dec. 3, 2012: Notice to Take Land Into Trust
Nov. 30, 2012: Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi v Governor Edmund G. Brown
CEQA Challenge
Nov. 30, 2012: Advanced Notice of Intent to take land into trust
Nov. 26, 2012: 151 Record of Decision
Recor d of decision on the fee to trust process
August 10, 2012: Akin Gump Law Firm, Attorney Caryle Hall Jr.
Governor Brown's concurrence for an off reservation casino must be based on a document that complies with the California Environmental Quality Act
August 9, 2012: Senator Feinstein to Gov. Brown
Oppose off reservation gaming
March 9, 2012: Senator Feinstein to Asst. Secty Echo Hawk
"I write to inquire about the status of the delinquent report from your Department on the supposed "strong local support" for the two off reservation casino projects in California you approved last September."
March 8, 2012: Interior Response to Conference Report
Feb 28, 2012: For Immediate Release BOS Hearing
Feb. 12, 2012: For Immediate Release: Madera Town Hall
Feb. 1, 2012: Fresno Farm Bureau
Jan. 10, 2012: Madera County Response to Casino
Local Response to U.S. Senator Feinstein
Jan. 10, 2012: Madera County BOS Agenda Item
Item # 6 Letter to Senator Feinstein in support of North Fork Casino
Jan. 5. 2012: Stand Up For California raises issues over state standards
Stand Up For California! writes today concerning the lack of environmental review and analysis in accordance with state standards for both the Enterprise Rancheria and North Fork Rancheria gaming facility proposals. This lack of environmental review and analysis in accordance with state law raises an interesting question concerning the gubernatorial concurrence function under IGRA.
Dec. 7, 2011: Release Madera County Polling Data
Press Release
Dec. 7, 2011: Release Poll Results Statewide
Survey -- public opposes off reservation gaming
Dec. 6, 2011: For Immediate Release -North Fork Raid
Dec. 2, 2011: JMoore Off-Res Gaming Memo
Polling Survey
Nov. 11, 2011: Picayune Application for 12 acre
Sept. 29, 2011: Supervisor Wheeler Supports North Fork Off Reservation Casino
Sept. 1, 2011: Record of Decision "ROD"
Secretarial Determination pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act for the 305.49 acre Madera Site in Madera County California for the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians.
Feb. 2011: Congressman Denham
opposition to North Fork
Sept. 1, 2011: Echo Hawk to Governor Brown
Asst. Sec is seeking gubinatorial concurrence for the proposed North Fork Casino
September 7, 2010: FEIS Comment by Stand Up For California
August 17, 2010: FPPC prosecutes complaint - Gary Svanda
The Commission has prosecuted this case, and copies of the Stipulation, Decision and Order may be viewed at the FPPC website, at, by clicking on the links provided on the August 2010 Commission meeting agenda.
August 6, 2010: Federal Register Notice - FEIS
Comment period now open
March 25, 2010: Memo from BIA to Asst Secty re: gaming land acquisition
Internal Memo
Feb. 2, 2010: Madera Farm Bureau Opposes Off Reservation Casinos
Oct. 13, 2009: FPPC officially opens Investigation on Svanda's unreported gifts
Sept. 29, 09: Request for Investigation
Stand Up for California requests an investigation
Sept. 14,2009: Request FPPC Investigation of Council Member Svanda
Sept.7,2009: Request Madera County Investigation of Councilmember Svanda
Mr. Svanda recently admitted to the Fresno Bee that he received a significant gift of travel reimbursements to lobby in Washington DC on behalf of the Station Casino project without reporting this gift as required by law by the Fair Political Practices Commission. Mr. Svanda's paid role in the project only came to light recently when he was listed as an unsecured creditor of Station Casino in bankruptcy proceedings.
July 2009: Assessors Map and Tax Statements for Proposed Casino Acquisition
July 2009: North Fork Established Tribal Lands
Total Non Trust Property: 4 parcels totaling 4.27 ac. Trust property within the Rancheria: 2 parcels 40 ac. total 80 ac. in trust. Trust Property outside of Rancheria: 4 parcels 61.52 ac. Gross Acerage 145.79
North Fork Compact/Wiyot Compact and Press Release
Signed by the Governor but not yet ratified by the State Legislature- these compacts raise new questions about a states ability to couple or link compacts together each dependent on the other.
May 31, 2009: City of Madera General Plan
The following narrative is based on information submitted by the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and is provided to reflect the perspective of native peoples on the history of the Madera area. Long before non-native traders and explorers arrived in the early 1800s, many native tribes, including the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians, were already well established in the area now known as Madera County. The tribes migrated between more permanent residence in the foothills to the valley floor where they hunted plentiful game, fished the many rivers, and gathered a variety of foodstuffs, depending on the season. The constant migration from foothills to valley and back again encouraged friendly interaction between tribes as they traded goods, shared ceremonies, and intermarried.
March 2009: Governor Schwarzenegger responds to BIA request
The Governor's letter of comment responding to the Bureau of Indian Affairs' January 23, 2009 Request for input on whether the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians' proposed off reservation gaming facility would be detrimental to the surrounding community.
Jan. 2009: BIA Request for Comment- Two Part Determination
November 2008: City of Commerce Comments-Off Reservation
Oct. 2008: CTBA Opposes Off Reservation Casino
California Tribal Business Alliance opposes the trust acquisition of land near Madera on behalf of the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians for the tribe's announced purpose of operating a casino on this land, which is not in the historical or cultural territory of the Mono Indians.
May 2008: Secretary Artman Requests an Amended DEIS
May 2008: Senators Feinstein-Reid Joint ltr. to Kempthorne
May 2008: Senator Feinstein to Governor Schwarzenegger
April 2008: Governor announces signing of Compact
Governor Schwarzenegger issues Press Release
April 2008: Senator Feinstein ltr. to Florez
Support for Senator Florez's State Legislation to prevent gubernatorial compacts with tribe prior to land being transferred into trust.
March 2008: California Senator Florez to Sec. Artman
March 2008: Testimony of Ms. Dora Jones
12 State Legislators have openly opposed the North Fork Project. Signed letters submitted in testimony.
March 2008: Stand Up For California Comments-DEIS
May 5, 2005: Indian Gaming in Central California
Senate Hearing by Senator Dean Florez
May 3, 2002: Notice of Decision for 61.52 acres

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