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Robinson Rancheria

Dec. 15, 2015: Lake County letter to Robinson Rancheria
Tribe has gated a public road owned by the county of Lake. This letter is a request to meet to discuss the issue.
March 1, 2011: Stand Up For California letter to Lake County Officials
Analysis of recent Memorandum of Understanding grants authority beyond the limits of the Commission of the Special Law Enforcement Officers of the Robinson Rancheria
Feb. 11, 2011: Violation Letter - Army Core of Engineers
Jan. 24, 2011: Robinson Rancheria - Potential Breach of Compact
Stand Up for California urges County to take action
Jan. 21, 2011: Letter from Tribes Attorney Marsten to County
Jan. 18, 2011: Map of Robinson Rancheria
Location of proposed Gas Station on West Side of the highway half way between Pomo Road and Reclamation Road.
Jan. 18, 2011: Draft Letter regarding Breach of Compact
Jan. 18, 2011: Lake County BOS Agenda - Robinson Rancheria Gas Station
Jan. 7, 2011: Sierra Club letter - Opposition to Contruction
Jan. 5, 2011: CGCC Closed Session Discussion - Discrepancy
Nov. 22, 2010: Dept. of Transportation Encroachment permit Application
For the Gas Station
April 9, 2010: BIA Letter Explains Disenrollment to X-members
Pacific Regional Director makes the final determination to disenroll long standing members of the Robinson Rancheria.
2003: United States v. Curtis Anderson Jr.
2002:Robinson Rancheria’s Emissions Inventory: A Minor Inventory Leading to Major National Impacts
1986: Title Data Robinson Rancheria and Trust Lands
Feb. 21, 1980: BIA Discusses the Land Status of Individuals Indians at Robinson Rancheria
August 29, 1977: Robinson Rancheria Members Listed on Termination Proclamation
August 11, 1964: Rancheria Act
1958: Distribution Plan Robinson Rancheria
List - undated: Tribes and Locations

Document Actions