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SDF: Special Distribution Fund

2015: SDF Report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee
Attached is the California Gambling Control Commission's report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the use of funds from the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund (SDF) to support problem gambling, regulatory costs, and local mitigation grants between FY 2003-04 to 2014-15. This report was released on April 1, 2015 and prepared in consultation with several state agencies. The transmittal letter is also attached. The report and transmittal letter are posted on the Commission's website at
October 28, 2014: Additional considerations in recognizing Tribes eligible for RSTF moneys
May 19, 2014: Legislative Analyst Office Report on SDF
The state fund that helps provide a lifeline to dozens of poor tribes is almost tapped out, the Legislative Analyst's Office said in a new report, which notes that the state has no plan to cover the costs.
August 2004 SDF REform to Gov.pdf
May 2003 CA AG to CGCC sdf.pdf
April 2003 AG Opinion on SDF
April 2003 AG Opinion to Gov SDF.pdf
March 2003 LAO analysis of SDF.pdf
Mar 2003 Leg Council Exec Order and SDF.pdf
Aug. 2002 Ass. Helen Thompson SDF.pdf
August 2002: Sonoma on SDF
Aug. 2002: Santa Barbara County SDF
July 2002: Section 5.0 - Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund

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